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Time is not my friend
I will battle it
Until the end,

I may keep time in my pocket
or on my wrist
or by the sky,
under the stars
where I lie,

But time doesn’t know me
it only kills
my memories,
takes my vision
and my dreams
leaving myself
forgotten and

Words written today
and placed in a bottle
left on a shelf,
soon become dust
just as metal
becomes rust
in the rain,

A hourglass falls and
shatters on the floor,
the sand lies about
confined no more,
the wind blows through an open window
and blows the sand away
marking the end of days,

Time does not know
people or places,
as we are only remembered
in our children s’ faces…


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5 thoughts on “Time

  1. LJ Innes says:

    I love the saying on your blog about finding yourself – it’s so true. Thanks for liking my post and hope you stop by again soon – love your pics and ideas.

  2. Same for me I love your photos and your poetry, something about it is familiar….can’t put my finger on it.

  3. Chaotiqual says:

    Reblogged this on Chaotiqual.

  4. dulzimordash says:

    Reblogged this on Spontaneous Creativity.

  5. Bastet says:

    I was attracted by your photo and loved the poem…yes, time has no friends…has no memory…has no voice.

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